The action in Titanomachina is driven by the cards in the Titan decks. What those cards do is enable the Titan to move, attack, and defend itself.
Card Backs |
Generally these cards represent systems on the Titan, with the notable exception of the Personality card added to each deck. The backs of the cards represent the power available to the Titan. These systems can themselves be divided into types such as:
- Limbs [Walk, Attack; Block]
- Weapons [Attack; Block]
- Sensors [Scan; Detect]
- Jump Jets [Jump]
- Shields [Raise Shields]
- Extra Armour [Block, Scan when damaged]
- Turrets [Twist; Block]
- Crew [Operate; Repair]
- Capacitors [Full Power]
However, the game starts with each player drawing a card from the Personality deck, which is then added to their Titan decks according to the order of the Initiative scores on the cards. Players taking turns, starting with the highest initiative and working down to the lowest.
To begin with, players take turns picking their Titans, noting the initiative score on their Initiative cards on a 6-sided die placed on or near their Titan Dashboard card. So noted, players put that Initiative card on the bottom of their Titan deck; each Initiative card can also be activated, and used to charge other activated cards.
Since it's Tabletop Simulator, all the Titan options are out to start with, and extraneous ones can be deleted to make space on the table.
Once players have their Titans, their shield tokens arranged, the board set up, and the Titans placed on the board, then they can start activating their systems. Play is divided into rounds, and at the beginning of the first round players draw 8 cards from their Titan deck to their hands.
Cards are activated by placing them face-up on the table when it is the player's turn, and resolving the action the players chooses from the card. Each card has one or two actions (see in brackets above) it enables the Titan to do when activated, indicated by a labeled icon, below which the Effect of the action, a Charge cost (additional cards played face-down to activate the card played face-up) for activating with that particular action, and other information like other actions that can be combined (Limbs, Extra Armour), or range and traits in the case of attacks. Some actions lack a Charge cost, indicating that they can be activated merely by being played face-up.
Once a round is over, when all the players pass instead of playing and activating cards, players get to organize all their played/discarded cards and place them on the bottom of their Titan deck. In Tabletop Simulator this is most easily done by collecting the played cards into a deck and right-clicking, selecting the Search function and using the pop-up of those cards in that mini-deck to put in the preferred order.
Cycling through a Titan's deck is an important part of the game!
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