Monday, July 5, 2021

Titanomachina on Tabletop Simulator: Planning the Fourth Wave

So far in Titanomachina's release on Tabletop Simulator there have been three waves, slowly expanding the number of options available to each Titan. There's been some themes though, as the second configuration tend to be a variation on the first configuration deployed, and where I've updated that first configuration there's some more variety. The third configuration has been expanding that variety, typically with extreme builds. Now that I have the opportunity to put another configuration up on Tabletop Simulator I figured it was worth exploring that variety further. 

In the case of Rhea, I'd say that another Regent configuration (4 weapons) is in order, perhaps again with Big Arms and Digitigrade Legs. Any ideas for which weapons should be mounted? 

Likewise, in the case of Tethys, another Regent with Big Arms and Digitigrade Legs seems to be in order, leaving the question of which four weapons Tethys should mount without repeating the first, leftmost configuration. Notwithstanding that I love that configuration. 

I don't have a design for a Styxx Regent configuration yet, but I do think She is due for a pair of regular Arms and an arm-swap is relatively straight-forward thing. I could also borrow some Plantigrade Legs from Eos, as Eos has already borrow some Digitigrade Legs from Styxx, but I think something fire-power heavy is in order for Styxx to balance out the pure close-combat Raptor configuration with the Big Arms and Claws. So another Reaper configuration, and for whatever reason I've been thinking 'Ravager.' Two Macro Guns and a Macro Laser? 

Eos could do with a Raptor configuration, and I do have an Eos torso with Big Arms I've been looking at. The temptation is to slap a could of Hands on Them and see if Eos can use Their ape-like configuration as well as Styxx can use Her own pure close-combat Raptor configuration. The easy solution would be seeing how a Mega Gun and Buzz Saw would do with a couple of Capacitors and Jets filling up those torso slots. But if I'm going to mix up the weaponry a bit, then it might be more interesting to see where a less obvious copy-pasta configuration might go. Also, I think maintaining at least one turret would be a good idea...

What do you fanatical, brainwashed cogs think? 

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