Let's be clear on one thing, that I am not a graphic designer. I managed to acquire the services of one willing to work at my price point, and I'm afraid I may have taken her work and butchered it. Nonetheless I like how these new cards have turned out. They retain the lovely Loic Billiau art, and replace the basic shapes I was able to find in Visio with an iconography that I thought better evoked what is going on in the game.
A quick reminder of what is going on in the game: Players control giant Titans, represented by figures on a board, and by a dashboard card, representing their positional states and internal states, respectively. Connecting the two are the cards, played face-up for one of the actions on the card, or played face-down to 'charge' the card played face-up. So when a card is played face-down, it has art for a hexagon on its back. Correspondingly there is a hexagon with 1, 2, or 3 lightning bolts in it on the face of these to represent how many cards must be placed face-down for the face-up card to be activated. Some cards can be played face-up without any cards played face-down, and these simply do not have a hexagon indicating how many cards need to be placed face-down for their activation.
There are one or two actions on the cards themselves, represented vertically. I've put the more pro-active ones on the left, and the more reactive ones on the right. The crew, for example, can either Operate or Repair; limbs can either walk and/or attack, or block. The effect of the card is at the bottom, represented horizontally, with the EFFECT score on the left. This configuration means players can hold the cards in hand as a fan and see the actions, charge-cost, and effect-value relatively easily.

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