Friday, January 14, 2022

Titanomachina on Tabletop Playground

The good news is that I have Titanomachina up on a platform that isn't Tabletop Simulator, still obtainable via Steam (and all the issues around Valve and its cultivation of hatred), but not on the Steam Workshop. I haven't made a bespoke rule book for Tabletop Playground just yet, but it's my next item on the agenda, after getting Titanomachina up on Tabletopia. 

Link to Titanomachina on Tabletop Playground's site. 

There's quite a few interesting differences, primarily that I can barely run Tabletop Playground on an old Windows 8 machine (forgot to upgrade to Windows 10) because of some weird error on one Windows 10 machine, and causing another to crash every time I launch the app. I expect other people will have difficulty with this as well. On the other hand, when it works it works well, allowing me to dump the confinement of the table, and upload directly from my Tabletop Simulator folder. Of course the logic and layout is all different, and sometimes it works, such as the snap-to grids on board elements (and not just overload over the table), and sometimes it doesn't, such as editing a game and playing a game are separate modes. It also lacks a drawing function, although the official word is that they're working on it; fortunately Titanomachina was initially designed to use tokens for systems, damage, and shields, and I've added the light/heavy damage and destroyed tokens back into the game - the destroyed tokens don't have the specific systems on the obverse, but it might be something to see about getting that original modularity back into the game if I can. It's this sort of thing that needs to be covered in the Tabletop Playground edition. 

So far I'm keeping Titanomachina on Tabletop Simulator because it is the big fish and while Berserk Games have responded with long overdue action (torpedoing their terrible global chat) and two half-assed apologies, they were terrible long before I managed to put Titanomachina on there. I suspect many, like myself, carefully closed up the global chat and avoided the public discord long ago; you can still use Tabletop Simulator perfectly well if you use it to play with your friends and vetted acquaintances. Its loss has no practical impact on me. Maybe I would feel differently if I received a torrent of negative attention for Titanomachina. 

I'm certainly fortunate in that regard. 

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