Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Titanomachina Updates on October 19, 2021

First of all, new logo! By @ariana_t6 on Twitter, this is an alternate to the grim darkness of the previous logo. Notably directions included the CYMK recipes used for the Titans on Tabletop Simulator. It goes well with the synthwave side of the board, and I think I might update the logo on that side of the board some time in the near future, leaving the weathered brass to go with the weathered concrete 9x9 grid. @ariana_t6 also did the road tiles you can see the Titans standing on in the pictures below.

The original plan for the deployment of Titanomachina to Tabletop Simulator was to have, essentially, each of these configurations available to the players. At some point in the process it occurred to me that it was a good idea to have a slightly wider range of configurations available to the players, and not just the variations on the jump jets and capacitors. So Green represented the Big Arms and Digitigrade Legs (and a Turret), and Pink/Yellow got their regent (4-weapon) configurations, with Pink rocking Digitigrade Legs. Having iterated four waves of Titans to show off their customizability I think it's probably worth working through what players would be able to have if they could customize their Titans entirely with blank dashboard cards and the 3 decks so far available in the game. Currently there are 144 cards in the game, organized into three decks. The first two decks of 54 each allow players to field two of the following configurations, with 2 Personalities each deck, and the third deck of 36 allowing players to branch out of with extra Sponsons, Digitigrade Legs, extra Arms, Big Arms, and extra capacitors and jump jets (and two more Personalities).

A note on the Titan models, they are simplified versions of the models designed by @BigMillerBro1 for 3D printing, to fit into the 2MB size limit for meshes on TTS. The printed models (see below) have an octagonal base fitted so that their facing is clear in real-life where we don't have the strict 45̊ tool, and don't have weird clipping issues. Note that the board here used art and production in PVC by @tinywargames who does a fantastic trade in gaming mats, and helped me get going in the synthwave direction here. 

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