Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Titanomachina: People in Glass Houses

Okay, so here's a new idea: You can land on however many buildings as can fit in a tile, and it will clear the square. It will also do that much damage to the Titan's legs. So you could jump a Titan two tiles and do eight damage, four damage to each leg. 


Two reasons. The first is in answer to the question of wanting to land Titans on buildings. Which is like asking how many glass tables a stuntman can go through, because someone is going to get hurt. 

The second is in answer to how many plate-glass windows you can drop a stuntman because they lose both legs? A block of buildings stacked 3 habitats high will do six damage to each of a Titan's legs. Without shields it will lose both and give away 8 VP of Titan damage to the opponent with the lowest score. 

If players voluntarily avoid it, and use it cleverly and judiciously when they don't, why not permit it? The main argument is that the game will turn into players going Koolaid Man on buildings. But they already do that with abandon when walking. Players clip a building here and there, but only a few are willing to plod face-first through three separate 8-habitat blocks, and it seems to amuse them. 

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