Monday, March 3, 2025

Titanomachina: Multi-Titan Mayhem

I've been wracking my brain, trying to figure out how players could play multiple Titans at once without it becoming unplayable, and here's a first draft of what I've come up with so far: 

Players draw a card from each of their Titans' decks each turn. In initiative order players choose to: 

  • play a card face-up, activate it, and resolve the subsequent actions,  
  • play a card face-up to be activated later. 
  • play a card face-down to charge another card from that Titan, either for immediate activation of a face-up card, or for later.  
Cards can only be activated if the player has built up sufficient charge (face-down cards), either because they have enough cards already face-down in play, or because they just played a card face-down. 

After a card is activated and its action(s) resolved, place the card on top of any cards needed to charge it on top of a discard pile. Once a player can no longer draw cards, this discard pile is flipped over. 

  • Capacitors act as charge cards when they're activated. 
  • Emergency Power lets you recover a card with block or intercept from the top of the discard pile and play it in reaction to an attack.
  • Shock has players add the next card at the top of their deck to the discard pile.
Rounds end after five cards have been drawn, whether they're activated, left un-activated, or used to charge activated systems. Charge cards and un-activated systems (as well as activated crew) persist past the end of the round, although twist actions, detect Titan actions, and body slams do not. 

Edit: Players get three unactivated systems out on the table to begin the game. I also need to figure out how to count those rounds better...

Further edit: Someone on Bluesky made a very good suggestion for players to put a pass card five cards deep in their decks at the beginning of the game and every new round. 

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