Sunday, December 31, 2023
Saturday, December 9, 2023
A challenger!
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Titanomachina Optional Rules
Here's a list of ideas for optional rules:
(1) Simultaneous activation: All players place a system card (or a 'Pass' card) face-down. Once all players are read, the cards are flipped over and players pay the charge cost of activations and resolve actions in initiative order.
(2) Shin-kicking. Add 90 degrees of arc to an attack by a leg system if its target stack contains a leg.
(3) Daisy-cutting. Choose additional target clockwise or anti-clockwise using HE1 trait.
(4) Bottling. Convert a Grappling trait into an Impact trait while destroying a habit adjacent/diagonal to target and in range, arc and LOS of weapon for no cost in cogs.
(5) Extending shields. Add shield tokens to targets in range 1 and arc of the shields or deflector system being activated to raise shields.
(6) Naming convention? Something that allows players to spread additional cogs evenly across the secondary targets of their HE1 and HE2 weapons.
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Titanomachina: Pathway to Production
Monday, October 30, 2023
Titanomachina: Hal-con 2023!
The second Halcon where I (and my fantastic assistance) was able to run demonstration games of Titanomachina to drum up interest, and I think the improvements (and changes) I have made to the game from last year. The addition of the player mats, the changes to the Capacitor system, the tuning of the Vulcan Gun/Gun Battery/Laser Battery (and its renaming), changes to the card layouts, the development of the board tiles, and even a few un-intended changes like the charge/cogs of the Master crew (1/3 instead of 2/3) have made the game better.
There's still some changes I would like to implement. I still need to implement the new VPs for systems. However, I think that is best left for production since it affects dashboard cards and I want to put those costs back on the system cards to make scoring more transparent. I just don't want to do that until the numbers are very firmly nailed down.
There is a question of using a board vs using the board tiles. A pre-printed quick-start board is probably the best idea, given the effort required to set up the board, despite the enjoyment I personally derive from setting up the tiles either as a quick-start or a competitive set-up. Getting players to the meat of the action first, and letting them consider how they would do it differently if they could set up the game tile by tile is probably for the best. Plus there's the round tracker on the board, which makes that more usable and transparent.
One suggestion that came up, which I think may have come before, is that there should be a scoring bonus for having the highest habitat. Previously I think it may have been the tallest building, but having the highest habitat would encourage players to detect taller buildings rather than widely scattered one-story buildings. At least it would make it less of a no-brainer, which is a good thing.
There's also the implementation of the Pass cards and simultaneous activation. So far it seems to work. I have yet to see any indication that there are situations in which it might not work. I think it's possible that wear-and-tear on the pass cards could remove their anonymity over time. Perhaps I should think of this like an opportunity to sell more cards, but I think the risk of people simply giving up on product because it wears out easily is worse. Certainly these cards are easy enough to include in packs of 54 cards where each pack doesn't require a full 12 different weapons, especially where the alternate configurations of Titans are essentially a weapon swap.
There's still the question of how to implement the player mats, given that like the cards above a gloss finish works with dry-erase markers until it doesn't. A laminated version would be perfect, but I'm not yet clear on the cost of doing that. I do think that standees are a valid option until we boot-strap into producing plastic miniatures equivalent to the resin 3D printed Titans. I want to make sure I have the production and fulfillment details worked out before another attempt at crowdfunding in April.
In terms of procedure, I think a change by which players look through their decks to find the cards for destroyed systems rather than wait until they're drawn is also a good idea from a book-keeping standpoint so they don't get forgotten. The problems I'd foreseen with players doing that just don't really happen, which is another point in favour of development. People are doing that anyways, and a good rule of thumb is to re-design the game to reflect how people enjoy playing it. I might also mention a few things like tracking whether crew have operated systems by turning the card upside down (and not flipping it over, lest it be confused for a card used to charge another system for the purposes of capacitors), and
There's also a bunch of optional rules that I have in the development queue, pretty far down, to address things like being able to kick other Titans' legs when they're otherwise out of arc, being able to grab habitats with hands or claws and convert grapples to impacts by hitting other Titans with them, extending shields over buildings, and so on. As mentioned at the convention though, I want to make sure the core game play is solid before implementing by vast list of optional extras.
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Hal-con 2023 Deck Presets
![]() |
For beginners, however, it's important that the decks be preset because beginners have neither the time nor the interest nor the context for understanding the deck-building aspect of the game. The idea is that preset decks will give them direction on what they might be able to do in the game, and what they might be able to do with the cards in a different order. In addition, the preset decks need to be recorded so the demo sets can be reset at the end of the demonstrations by the demonstrators that aren't me. Hence the lists, such as in that picture at the topic of this post.
The general notion is that players have a crew member and a limb in each draw so as least they can keep moving and operating, those being some of the most important actions in the game. I also tried to space out the offensive and defensive options, and to align support systems like sponsors and capacitors with cards that would benefit from their activation. The first draw is intended to maximize the options available to each player without overloading those options, and leaving players with a reserve on round 2.
I'm definitely going to need to revisit my demo script because I want to also use these decks to do open-handed round 1s, so that players can see how they should be thinking of the cards.
Monday, October 9, 2023
Titanomachina: Simultaneous Activation
In my efforts to figure out an additive way of speeding up the game, a friend and guru of mine suggested that we try activating simultaneously. Usually in Titanomachina we would take turns both activating systems and resolving their actions. I resisted because in order for this to work, at least with the minimal amount of change to the rules, I would need cards for the pass option in each deck; two cards where a 54 card deck contained two Titan decks with their optional weapon loads.
But having tried it a few times in two-player game, I think it works to both speed up the game, and to perhaps make the game a tad more exciting. I rather like how Titanomachina ratchets up the tension for the players because reactions are limited to parts of a Titan being targeted during attacks, and there's a wonderful economy by which players try to play off combos against combo-breakers. I enjoy how the tension builds and then releases when some manages to pull off a crushing blow or clover combo.
Where players are activating simultaneously there's additional pressure to play a card quickly, and keeping the actions resolved in initiative order it makes initiative even sharper. There's some tension leading up to players playing cards, which releases when the cards are flipped. It works. However, I feel like these mini-build-ups and releases of tension are more of a side-grade to the overall build-ups and releases. Usually after a game I'm very excited because of the way the tension isn't exhausted by the pay-outs, but in this case the constant release of tension meant I was pretty relaxed when it was over. On the other hand the response from my test-cogs was pretty positive, and I think it's definitely one way Titanomachina could go.
Production-wise, putting two extra cards into a two-player 54 card pack isn't a show-stopper. Where the two Titan configurations available to each player aren't radical changes requiring 12 cards in total, and even just weapon swaps for 6 cards minimum, there's plenty of room. I even have this lovely chibi art by Kristina Amuan showing the crew goofing off that stands out from the regular art and does a good job of punctuating the round.
Currently I'm not sold on making this a change, but it seems like a great idea for an optional rule, particularly if I can shoe-horn the pass card into the regular rules. Certainly there is some potential for shenanigans where it shares a card back with the other Titan cards and announcing it's available to charge other systems. It might require a specific injunction about not using the card to power systems. The identical card back should make it invisible, but older sets will see these cards used more and wear harder than other cards, making their utility as a blind insufficient. Maybe the cards just need to be made sturdier. It's an option.
If I'm being honest, it also irks me that this is how Marvel Snap works and I didn't enjoy that when I tried it. The point of Titanomachina is that it's the game I want to play, so I'm pretty resistant to removing parts I enjoy, but slightly less for some reason to adding parts I don't hate.
As mentioned before something not working on play-testing is easy, you simply mark it up as not working and why, and move on. Something working, on the other hand, has this terrible tension of making me wonder when it will stop working, or whether it will do the same thing all the time. Still, that is what play-testing is for, right?
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Speeding up the game: Test Results
What's fascinating when introducing a rule to a system is figuring out what has happened to the system when that rule is tested. I tried out the challenge rule in a 3-player game and it didn't work. Or, I should say, it didn't work as I wanted it to work. That is a good thing as a disconfirmation of a hypothesis is much better than the confirmation. The latter yields no new information. The former tells you there is either a flaw in your logic or a problem with your model.
The challenge rule didn't work because the second player challenged the first player to gain an advantage against the 3rd player without the 3rd player being able to react properly. It felt bad and I saw no significant increase in the speed of play. It didn't work well with a culture of taking ordered turns and waiting for your opponents' best moves.
There was the suggestion that players all activate their systems at once, and resolve in initiative order, which I should also try out. There is some suggestion that this speeds up play. It was made in parallel with the comment that if 'pass' was a card it would be the most popular card to play. There is truth to this as we have seen from the version of capacitors that let players draw additional cards from their decks. I'm okay with pass being popular, and have considered it making it a card draw, although having a time-out end condition seems important and testing it out as a draw meant the first round did not end.
Of course the players can voluntarily play faster, to the point of abandoning the mental math entirely, as calculating optimal choices each turn and again at the end of the round, but I really would like some way to put time-pressure on players that isn't a timer or liable to cause arguments.
Thursday, September 7, 2023
Titanomachina: Speeding up the Game
Sunday, September 3, 2023
Titanomachina: What is in a board?
Part of the specifications for Titanomachina as a game is the emphasis on position and terrain. It is designed so that players can build the board before the game, essentially defining the battle they are going to have. Despite that, I have implemented quick-start set ups in Tabletop Simulator because I think that people playing for the first time (or the umpteenth time, so as myself) might appreciate getting straight to the action. I do like the idea of choosing the board at such a finely-grained level, but it virtually doubles the time spent on the game, which can stretch pretty long if a player is indecisive or simply slowly counting up all math which might determine move A rather than move B. The variable board is essentially for players that have excelled themselves at card management, and what to increase the difficulty level and add content to the experience. Which brings me back to the quickstart setup.
Previous setups interfered with Titans' ability to smash themselves and each other through buildings. The latest is intended to reverse that, putting rows of buildings offset to each other so that Titans with Impact and Grapple weaponry can be extra smashy, as collateral damage is definitely a player favourite. An offset grid pattern drastically increases the opportunities to inflict another player's Titan on nearby buildings. Hopefully this hooks people's attention and kindles their imaginations. Hopefully this increases engagement during demo games, as the carrot to the stick of all the game mechanics.
In addition here are a couple of highly specific rules I thought I might add before Hal-con 2023, and that would be:
(1) the ability to kick other Titans in the shin, which is to say allow Titans to attack other Titans directly in front of them with their legs, while limiting the available targets to the other Titan's legs. Essentially players are dis-satisfied with Titans' inability to kick directly forward without the aid of sponsons. Sponsons and the vivacious personality both exist, but apparently it's an issue.
(2) the ability for Titans with a Hand or Claw to bottle another Titan with a nearby habitat. Which honestly is really specific but also hilarious. Also, it harkens back to the Gypsy Danger using shipping containers to loads its fists, which is so silly but also hilarious. With hilarity in mind, it would be neat to allow a Titan to convert the Grapple trait of its weapon to Impact if they destroy a habitat in range, arc, and line of sight.
Which brings to me to a couple of outstanding problems with the game:
The first is that play can be very slow when players pay close attention, and even slower when they don't. There's no punishment, except boredom, when the game takes too long, and no real incentive to play faster. I'm inclined to figure out a reward for players that play faster. I'm not sure how to do this, however. I'm not even sure it should be done.
The second problem is communicating the granularity of the game. Players are generally used to bouncing across the board in a very loose abstraction of combat, usually a matter of moving into position to roll dice rather than more gradually developing a position and attack/defense strategies. I think a pre-amble about how the Titans are very big and have a lot of momentum, and how combos are built up over time helps somewhat but doesn't really prepare players for how to set things up and the violence of contact.
The third problem is that having bits getting ripped off your Titan can be a psychological blow as much as it seems to disadvantage a player that can't use that card anymore. While a Titan missing systems will act faster, the reduction in both options and charge for systems will see it at a disadvantage, as well as giving them a vulnerable point: Getting through enemy shields and then enemy armour can be a turning point in a game. I'm personally very very pleased with how it works, but I get that it can be a bit much for other people. Not everyone wants to be Raleigh Beckett.
The fourth problem is when someone uses a laser weapon for the first time, as they're pretty underwhelming when faced with shields, and there is also something somewhat innately cruel about them being used on unshielded opponents. To a degree they're meant to be cruel, both as a brake to heavily armoured opponents, and to have a particular character whereby the player feels like their Titan has been stabbed. It is a problem to the degree that players using lasers for opening shots are going to feel like they're at a disadvantage, particularly compared to guns. Plasma weapons have the dual advantages of hitting really hard and knocking a card out of an opponent's hand. Laser weapons, except maybe the laser blade, aren't really all that great for a player's first shot. Not a huge problem, but these things can add up.
Friday, August 11, 2023
Refining the HR / VP System
Lately, as I've made changes to the rules I've realized that I should also make changes to the points system, the Human Resources for customizing a Titan and its buildings, and the Victory Points for scoring the game. The notion is that these are the same points. Specifically the changes are those to the multiple attacks rule, whereby you resolve them sequentially, and the stream-lining of the Impact and Grapple traits into the collision rules: the cogs used to move a Titan into a tile full of habitats are the same whether it's an attack or the Titan walking or jumping. A Titan can go diagonally through an 8-habitat cube of buildings under its own power, walking or jumping, or because it was attacked with an Impact or Grapple weapon, so long as the system doing so has 6 cogs. An Impact or Grapple weapon will do 12 points of damage, 6 to the target, and 6 to whatever location on the Titan hits the buildings on the tile.
This is based on the notion that the Effect (cogs) and the Traits (extra actions, traits, etc) multiply out, but are divided by the opportunity cost of doing to, which is the Charge+1 (charge cost), and have an additional range bonus over the 4 of the baseline weapon, the Gun Battery.
That cranks the Vulcan gun back up to a full 4 HR/VP, the Claw to 2 HR/VP. Interestingly the Adherent and Initiate crew members go down to 2 HR, and the Plasma Shotgun goes up to 3 HR. I'll need to redo the habitat numbers on the cards, but I also have some ideas about that I want to explore before I update the Tabletop Simulator demo version.
Monday, July 31, 2023
Titanomachina: Beat with Styxx
Out of all the Titans I think Styxx is both the most powerful and the most difficult to use. Styxx retains Her vestigial layout from several iterations ago. When I first had cards printed out, Styxx's system diagram had three sensors, a jump jet, and a capacitor. Her three extra armour are considered sub-standard and Her deflectors impress no one now. Of course, the jump jet has been downgraded to a thrusters system, and the deflectors are a downgrade of the original shields system. Her turret no longer affords 360 degree fire upon activation, but even un-operated it expands Her systems from 90 to 270 degrees, and gives Her the ability to jump sideways. But the limbs, Styxx's arms and legs continue to be Charge 2, which is inefficient, but still fast and powerful. I think the limbs lie at the crux of the matter, as walking and changing direction are difficult for this Titan. Big arms, as well as any two cog system, feel underpowered for three cards including the Big Arm itself. Mind you, a Big Arm can cause four points of damage by punching a Titan into another Titan or into a sufficiently large building.
But that's maybe one punch for perhaps two actions on the part of another player. Could be in response to three actions by another player. You'd need a master-crew operated gun battery to do four damage, potentially eight if you had a block of buildings to push it through. Certainly I have given some thought to this.
Saturday, July 8, 2023
Titanomachina: July 2023 Rule Book Update
I've updated the rule book. My favorite vendor,, sells booklets in A5 size with a minimum of 24 pages as I understand it, so I'm trying to build a version of the rule book to fit that. I have something like five pages left, which seems like a good excuse to recycle some material from the Tech Manual, or otherwise think of stuff to add. In the meantime, while it is still something of a work in progress, I'm happy to put it out there in case someone might want to read it before a friend puts them through the ringer.
I'll update again in August as I get things sussed out. Obviously I'm not a graphic designer, but I have a toolbox of technical writing heuristics I've been working to apply, with one of them being to print out the in-progress book and manually mark it up before returning to electronic editing and updates. Maybe I should make some TTS stand-in images.
In general I'm trying to go from the general, basic information people need, to the specific, arcane information that ironically needs the most explanation: the Impact and Grapple rules are on the last two page spread of the 18 page document before a 19th page for the code of conduct. Along with trying to state rules using a title and only 8 words (or hyphenated words), I want each rule to have a diagram explaining it visually. Obviously I'm not a graphic designer, but I think I'm figuring some concepts out.
Here's the link:
Edit, updated the google drive link.
Monday, June 12, 2023
Titanomachina: The View From Here
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Titanomachina: Always room for improvement
Since removing the Telemetry trait from the Extra Armour systems and giving them the Scan action instead I've found a number of other things that needed tightening up, including the question of number in the total Effect of systems. In most systems with anything beyond walking and attacking I had added words to the effect that the extra trait thingy required a total Effect of 1, so I broadened that out and stuck it at the beginning of the action rules as it covers all actions, and explicitly stated that you cannot choose to activate a card that is not going to do anything, that has total Effect 0. I figured why just lay down a blanket prohibition?
That segued nicely into a discussion of how personality actions work, which is to say they're like an extra action by a system: you're going to need at least one leg to take advantage of the Pugnacious personality, for example. And that leg will need to be either relatively un-damaged or relatively well-crewed. Likewise the Detect action's combination with a weapon to remove the requirement of a line of sight when attacking is therefore limited having a total Effect of at least 1 because otherwise the sensor can't be activated. When it is activated, the combination only works for that sensor system's arc and line of sight. This also opens up space to key personalities to various body parts. It might be something to key Sagacious-ness to Extra Armour, but maybe in the next go-round.
I also inserted some of the diagrams that I created for the outgoing target card, the one explaining the arcs and that needs fancy artwork. As well there is the player mat, which isn't something I am terribly thrilled with, but it provides something for new players to focus on and to bootstrap some of the concepts: it's not necessary for players, but it solves problems around marking up the cards directly. Concurrent to this I figured out that in Tabletop Simulator I could de-couple the shield tokens from the snap-to grid in place to help with placing the Titans and the habitats. So those are easier to use, for the value of that in Tabletop Simulator.
Further changes that I have planned continue to be things like the addition of weapon systems held by hands, further types of buildings that affect play, and more psychological cards (things like mood, trauma, and whatnot to allow players to push the envelop of the basic game. Something I'm also going to try is writing an annotated rule book, explaining some stuff about the rules because I think it's worth going with the old 'maybe the author's inane rambling will explain stuff' but better. The rules, after all, have a purpose. Sometimes that purpose is to represent the world of the Titanomachina game, and sometimes that purpose is to define what kind of game is being played and why.
Titanomachina is a game of inches. Each habitat is 25mm in each dimension, or at least the cubical blue ones are. Your job as a player is to draw the right cards at the right time, held in tension with your job as player to play the right cards at the right time. Instead of the player handling a shuffled deck, however, it's about planning ahead. Players are being asked to plan and execute a strategy, which is resolved in a combinatorial fashion. Each combination of cards and positions should be variable, depending on the conditions on the board and on the dashboards. Even the value of the initiative varies.
In the two-player game, there's less attacker and defender than there are hunter and hunted. The hunter or chaser is ideally the player with the lower initiative, as that gives them the opportunity to react to an opponent attempting to move out of the range, line of sight, or arc of an attack. Likewise if you need to escape a situation, having the higher initiative is good because you may be able to move where they can't follow, and you can do so before getting hit. But where an opponent can't evade, having the initiative means you get to hit first, possibly shutting down an attack or knocking them out entirely. Likewise where no contact has been made, going second allows a player the opportunity to move into position to pounce. Players can sacrifice their sensors' ability to detect habitats and ignore line of sight, or their extra armours' protection as an active defense, to change that order.
Who goes first can be good or bad. Likewise the various combinations of weapons, shields, limbs, and so on are trade-offs in terms of everything having a cost-benefit and an opportunity cost. Doing one thing prevents you from doing another. But in terms of going first or second, and in what position, there are basically those four situations. There's chasing, evading, trading punches, and stalking. Stalking and damage control, raising shields and repairing damage, are pretty much the same position of relative safety. But whether you are in these positions is a matter of the cards available as much as the relative positions of Titans on the board and shields/damage on the player mats. You need to make sure that you are not left with a hand of cards leaving you vulnerable for a turn.
The Eos and Styxx Titans, for example, having only three extra armour systems when it would take them both four rounds to rotate entirely through their Titan decks. Fortunately their capacitor systems enable them to fast-track 11 cards ahead (at, it must be said, the cost of eight cards and the focus of the entire crew). That's more than enough to get a plasma howitzer or macro laser back into a hand in the next round though, but that will require using that extra armour system to charge the weapon system. Maybe a macro gun or rocket pod is the safer weapon for that choice. But only three extra armour systems will succumb to damage faster, and still won't cover vital systems like deflectors and capacitors. Capacitors allow a Titan to do more, but that Titan will have to do it with fewer systems and less capacity to absorb damage. They're great for chasing, but less so for trading punches, and while stalking is definitely their strong suite, evading is less so because there is far less opportunity, time-wise, to get those capacitors firing. Conversely, evading with four or five extra armour systems is less productive because you're so much better protected and should use the charge spent evading on trading blows. Chasing is less ideal because you're spending time moving that you could be aiming and hitting with the extra armour, but that's also about the weapon mix chosen.
My point being? It's time to cash out those strategic and tactical puzzles as representing certain idealized situations of giant robot combat.
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Titanomachina: Initiative Issues
Lately I've received feedback about how initiative works in Titanomachina. In case you don't know how it works, every player gets 25 habitat blocks at the beginning of the game with their Titan figurine. Of those 25 habitat blocks, 24 are available to be placed on the board and 1 goes into the initiative stack. Players stack the initiative stack in the order of their personality cards, from highest to lowest. Going from the top downwards and looping around is the order in which players take turns. Playes can change their position in the stack by activating sensor systems for the Scan action or by activating extra armour systems for the Block action and taking damage to that system in order to trigger the Telemetry trait of that system.
If that last part seems really kludgy it probably is, as I've received feedback that makes me come back to why that was implemented, and how it could be changed without disrupting how the game works too much. The first problem is that when you're at the top of the stack another player can knock you down to the bottom of the stack if you activate an extra armour system to defend yourself. Apparently it feels bad to have that happen on top of all the other results of being attacked (damage, positional change, losing cards in hand). The second problem is that an attacker can essentially earn themselves a free consecutive turn if they're shooting another player directly below them in the initiative stack. I'm kind of okay with this, but apparently again it feels bad to some players.
Part of the reason for this is the telemetry rule, and part of this is that the initiative stack works by the person with the next block in the initiative stack takes the next turn regardless of whether the initiative changes that turn. Having chewed on it for a bit, I think this can be resolved without radically changing the core of the design.
Firstly, I think it's a matter of changing the rule about who goes next in the initiative stack: the player that would have gone next if the initiative hadn't changed. It kind of kicks the problem down the road, because there is a purpose to mixing up the initiative and creating that imbalance in the number and order of actions. But it prevents weird effects depending on the number of players, and prevents increasing a player's position in the initiative stack from giving the previous player a 'free shot' so to speak, meaning that the Scan action doesn't double its time-cost. It's also about the minimum that can be changed in the rules.
Secondly, I think changing the extra armour system is a good idea, and removing 'telemetry' from the game. Much like how I changed 'ablative armour' to 'extra armour' because 'ablative' is apparently obscure (and it is) I think telemetry is un-necessarily confusing and difficult for players to grok as they learn, and outweighs the benefit to the experienced players to have. Yes, it can be used to reverse the initiative, rewards aggression, and so on, but most of that might be retained if extra armour exchanges the telemetry trait for a scan action, giving it a pro-active purpose as well as a reactive purpose. Which also ties into the aforementioned problem with giving the previous player another immediate turn by increasing your own initiative, as giving up an extra armour card to give them another shot on you seems like a strong disincentive to play the card. Giving up extra armour to attack them first seems like a better structure of incentives and choices, at least from the perspective of dealing with these 'problems.'
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Titanomachina: Updated Table and Cards
I haven't played Tethys in a while, and Tethys tertiary configuration just calls to me. Maybe it's the double gun batteries, or maybe it's the macro laser. There's always Styxx's quaternary configuration... Of course, Titanomachina is designed for this kind of rotation of strategies. In theory we would be designing the optimal mix of systems, crew, and habitats, but the available Titan configurations on TTS gives players some opportunity to anticipate or react to their opponent(s) choices. Eos is the knock-out fighter, while Styxx is going to be best at pushing a time-out thanks to their sensors. Tethys is also a knock-out fighter with some grappling ability, while Rhea is intended to maximize that board control with some knock-out ability.
Saturday, February 4, 2023
Titanomachina: The High Cost of Charging
Titans in Titanomachina are composed of systems, represented positionally by the dashboard card, and in the direction of time by the Titan deck of system cards. Players work through these Titan decks, drawing 23 cards in the first four rounds of play at a minimum, from a 23 card deck. Of these decks the default configuration 1 of each Titan has the following:
- 1 or 3 Sensors
- 2 Arms
- 2 Legs)
- 1 Sponsons or Turret
- 2 Deflectors or Shields
- 2 Thrusters or Jump Jets
- 0, 1, or 2 Capacitors
- 3, 4, or 5 Extra Armour
- 3 Weapons
- 4 Crew
- 1 Personality
Limbs, arms and legs in general, enable combined Walk and Attack actions. Arms and Plantigrade Legs are charge 1, while Big Arms and Digitigrade Legs are charge 2.
Monday, January 23, 2023
Titanomachina on Tabletop Simulator: New Dashboards
I've updated the dashboard cards on Tabletop Simulator, to put the habitat buildings available to each Titan to set up at the beginning of the game to match the current cost of systems. I've also attempted to make some improvement in terms of the system diagram, trying to uncovered some of the original Loic Billiau artwork, and explicate the 3x3 grid. I've had comments about how the system diagrams should include the 90 degree arcs described in the rules, and I've implemented a card describing how the system diagram maps onto the board, which I think is an acceptable solution instead. This would be instead of the Audacious and Vivacious cards in the basic card packs, with the Audacious and Vivacious cards added in an upgrade pack, and hopefully have their art upgraded one day when I find $200USD a card and Loic is still in business. Where the game is 2-4 players it works out, although I have been working on building out the team game.
Ive also swapped the weapons on the Styxx Titan configuration 2 & 4 and the Eos Titan configuration 1 & 3 because a physical copy Titanomachina would include 24 weapon cards including left and right-handed versions of each weapon systems and this would reflect that.