Being able to put Titanomachina up on Tabletop Simulator means that more people can find it and play it. A Kickstarter would allow me to reach hundreds of people, but this allows thousands. Notably though it is more fun to play in person, and I want it to be a board game in its interface. I want to implement changes so that it's a better physical product as well as a Tabletop Simulator implementation of the game. I also can't script, but there's very little of the game I want to automate. It's about making decisions, not just watching a bunch of RNG events happen.
So I've been working to draw up how much it would cost me to produce the game through collaboration with who have made a bunch of prototypes before. They deliver as ordered, and make sure to check with me when the order doesn't look ready to print. Sometimes it's me figuring out how to correct flaws, or conduct quality assurance. Other times it's me thinking about what I'd want in this product, as a consumer.
Part of that is dealing with Eos' 4th configuration, the lone raptor in the Eos lineup. I mean, it does some fun stuff, but I can put two Titans in a deck, four if the dashboards are double-sided, and the Titans are pairs of weapon-swaps. So reaper vs reaper is two sets, regent vs raptor is one, regent vs regent is one. That's four decks, two for Rhea & Tethys, two for Eos & Styxx.
So here's what I want to replace Eos' raptor configuration: Two Gun Batteries, one Hand, and one Laser Battery. Decent, mid-range, and very lightweight weaponry. Two sponson systems enabled a flexible concentration of fire, while all the Charge 0 and 1 systems free up charge for the double capacitors. The lack of Extra Armour on the sides may sting, but with six limbs it should be agile. Four actions in the first round should be possible, like activate Sponson 1, activate Master Crew to operate (+3), active Gun Battery 1 to attack at four points of damage, then activate Capacitor 1 to re-activate it at full power for one point of damage.
Or, perhaps the capacitor isn't needed but the Laser Battery operated by an Initiate Crew 3 is. That one or two points of damage on top of the Gun Battery 1's four points of damage is one system heavily damaged at the least, two systems destroyed at best.
It also nails a sweet-spot of making sure players of the Green vs Blue, regent vs raptor set get gun batteries, a hand, and a laser battery into the mix. I think it'll be up to the task of chasing the Green raptors too, because you can't give those bastards an inch of breathing room.
I'd want that in a Titan that would introduce players to the game, and perhaps something of an intriguing challenge trying to min-max the heck out of Eos. Those double-pushes are going to be nuts.